On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 05:47:39PM +0200, Christian Schoepplein wrote:
we use perdition v 1.17.1 on a FreeBSD box and I'd like to configure
the following setup:
1. From outside only allow connections via ssl on port 993
2. Connect to the internal servers via tls or if not possible via normal imap
By TLS do you mean connect using plaintext and then initiate
an encrypted session using IMAP's STARTTLS command? If so, this
should work.
I set --ssl_mode to
"ssl_listen,tls_outgoing" and also -p to "143", but
that results in an error and the tls connect to the internal server is
not established :(. Unfortunatly I can't give more infos about the
error, the BSD machine with perdition and the internal servers do not
log more details.
Is it possible for you to get perdition to log more details?
For instance by calling it with --debug?
Has anyone more ideas how to get the described setup
from above can be
Assuming that you answer yes to the question above, then yes,
I think this is possible.
Or, if not possible, is it possible to establish an
connection without tls?
If you just want plaintext to the internal server, always, then
just use --ssl_mode ssl_listen. In more detail, I think
that the following would achieve this.
perdition -P IMAP4S --ssl_mode ssl_listen -p 143