Thanks Chris. I already edit the perdition script and it is now working. Though there's a thing that worries me. When I do perdition status, it reports the ff:

perdition.pop1 (pid 22555) is running...
perdition.pop2 (pid 22560) is running...
perdition.pop3 (pid 22565) is running...
perdition.imap1 dead but subsys locked
perdition.imap2 dead but subsys locked
perdition.imap3 (pid 22580) is running...

I verified that the PID file was removed when stopping and create when restarting. I chown perdition user to have rights to perdition logs. I just wandering why it says dead but subsys locked when I check the conf file they are almost the same.

This is the config of perdition.imap1 which has an echo of dead but subsys locked

F /var/log/perdition.pol
g perdition
imap_capability IMAP4REV1
u perdition

This is the config of perdition.imap3 which has an echo of is running...

F /var/log/perdition.mindgate
g perdition
imap_capability IMAP4REV1
u perdition
Though I can used and it is working the way I like it. I prefer to remove these error.

Is this only a permission error? How come it says that when they almost have the same config.

Also, when I do perdition stop, imap1 and imap2 is always FAILED though it successfully remove the PID file. When I do perdition start, everything is OK

I have no problem in my POP3 but only to imap1 and imap2.

I'm searching how solve this but your help guys would be a big help

----- Original Message ----
From: Chris Stratford <>
To: Nelson Serafica <>
Sent: Friday, September 7, 2007 7:23:45 PM
Subject: Re: [PERDITION-USERS] multiple domains and local servers

On Thu, 2007-09-06 at 17:14 -0700, Nelson Serafica wrote:
> Your right If i used these setup. I'll be having no problem.
> ^
> ^
> ^
> But the problem is I cannot append a domain in the Account Name of my
> server. I have tried that and it didn't work. It only works if I put
> nelsonts but if I input or any domain, it don't work.
> I think only valid input is the Account Name in my Mail server such as
> nelsonts.

I'm not completely sure which server you are referring to here, but a
popmap like this:

^ nelsonts@
^ helpdesk@
^ nelsonts@

should mean that you connect to your Perdition server using
"" (with the "" part added automatically as
explained previously if it's not supplied).  Perdition will then connect
to your real mail server using just "nelsonts".  This is the setup I've
been using for the past few years, so I know it can do it using the
config sample I sent earlier.

>  Here is my some alternatives:

> 1. Multiple copies of perdition running having their own config each
> bind to specific IP. Is this possible? I have tried bind_address but
> it didn't work if I tried to bind to two IP. I have input bind_address
> and bind_address in the conf file but when do
> netstat, it only sees

That should work, but you would need to adjust the startup scripts, as
by default they will only try to start the usual four processes (one
each for POP3, POP3S, IMAP4 and IMAP4S).

> 2. Change the Account Name of the existing user. Instead of nelsonts.
> I need to change them to nelsonts@foo or Any
> idea how to do this? If I can do these, everything will be smooth.

You shouldn't need to do that.


> What would you suggest?

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