Horms wrote:
On Wed, Sep 12, 2007 at 04:44:59PM +0100, Daniel Watts wrote:
Hi guys,

Suddenly seem to be having a problem with perdition.imap4.
It stops listening on the imap port. netstat -l shows all other 
Perdition services listening (imaps,pop3,pop3s) fine but not imap.

We also still have imap4 processes running:

nobody   17589  0.0  0.4  5388 2220 ?        S    16:18   0:00 
perdition.imap4: auth ok

nobody   17595  0.0  0.4  5520 2384 ?        S    16:18   0:00 
perdition.imap4: auth ok


Nothing seems to be logging.
Connecting to the server on 143 shows as expected:

[root@tg1 perdition]# telnet localhost 143
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

A restart has it working fine for 10 minutes to a few hours then it 
drops again.

Perdition version is 1.17

Any ideas what else I can do to find out why it is dropping the port?

Hi Daniel,

That does not sound good.

What it sounds like is that the main perdition.imap4 process is dying,
and what you are seeing is a few child processes. It is the main
process that handles new connections, spawning a child to handle
them on connect().

Is there anything in the logs indicating a crash?

I'm afraid not Horms - logs don't have anything at all that looks like any kind of error or failure. Even ran the imap4 process with -d to get debug output and nothing shows up apart from the usual imap logins (that suddenly stop).

I have perdition on two identical machines, the other machine is running fine. I suppose I could try recompiling on this machine to see what happens.
If anyone has any ideas about what kind of diagnostic I could run to find out what is going on do let me know.

I suppose I could try stracing the entire main process - will report what the last action was when I find out.

Thanks for the response.