Dear users,
                 we have installed perdition-1.17.1 on AIX 5.3 (compiled with openldap and openssl support). when we start perdition with command shown below. we get a segmentation fault.

myhost:/tmp/perdition-1.17.1> ./perdition/perdition -PIMAP4 -f /usr/local/perdition/etc/perdition/perdition.conf
Segmentation fault

But it is able to server one IMAP sesion. After that session, daemon crashes with "segmenation fault".

If we start with the --no_daemon option the segmentation fault does not occur immediately but if we start an IMAP session after its closure perdition crashes.

our perdition.conf options are given below:

M /usr/local/perdition/lib/
m ldap://

our logs given below :
Aug 13 11:14:07 myhost mail:info perdition[348166]: version=1.17.1,
add_domain="", authenticate_in=off, bind_address="", capability="IMAP4
IMAP4REV1", client_server_specification=off,
connection_limit=0, connection_logging=off, connect_relog=300,
debug=on, domain_delimiter="@", explicit_domain="", group="nobody",
inetd_mode=off, listen_port="143", log_facility="mail",
login_disabled=off, lower_case="",
map_library_opt="ldap://", no_bind_banner=off, no_daemon=on, no_lookup=off, nodename="myhost", ok_line="You are so in", outgoing_port="143", outgoing_server="", pid_file="/usr/local/perdition/var/run/lt-perdition/", protocol="IMAP4", server_resp_line=off, strip_domain="", timeout=1800, username="nobody", username_from_database=off, query_key="", quiet=off, ssl_mode="", ssl_ca_file="",

Aug 13 11:14:08 myhost mail:debug perdition[348166]:
vanessa_socket_daemon_setid: uid=-2 euid=-2 gid=-2 egid=-2

Please let us know how to resolve this ? any clues ?

thanks and regards
-yogeen honnavar