Right now my setup is like this:

DOMAIN: foo.com and with some aliases

perdition server (public) ---> back-end server A (private)

DOMAIN: fee.com and with some aliases
perdition server (public) ---> back-end server B (private)

DOMAIN: fii.com and with some aliases
perdition server (public) ---> back-end server C (private)

I want to minimize servers and powers so I want it to be this way

DOMAIN: foo.com, fee.com and fii.com

perdition server (public) --> back-end A, backend B and back-end C server

How can I do this using perdition? My current perdition setup has "outgoing_server  <private ip>:143"" in every perdition.imap4.conf and perdition.pop3.conf.
I think I need to change this to other type such as MySQL.

Is this possible? Can someone guide me to this?

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