Hi Javier,

Doubtful this helps but I have a similar setup but I use mysql to direct which connection goes where. The receiving server needs the users full email address and password to 're-authenticate'.

Doubtful this helps because you are using popmap but I thought I would offer as a way to say perdition can do this.


Javier de Miguel Rodrí­guez wrote:
  El 07/10/10 17:55, Javier de Miguel Rodrí­guez escribió:
       My problem: A new mailserver has MULTIPLE domains (@domain1,
@domain2, @domain3). Mi popmap.re redirects connections to this host,
but I need to redirect user1@domain1 anduser2@domain2.com, not only
"user1" and "user2" to the back-end hosts. In few words: i do NOT want
to strip the domain part to the backend server

I think that you need to either
1. not use the U (username_from_database) option or;
I have tried commenting this line (username_from_database) and
restarting perdition with no luck:


Still no luck with this :(

Anyone has a similar setup like mine? A perdition front-end and several 
multi-domains backends with popmap.re?



telnet myperditionhost 110
Trying XXXXX...
Connected to myperditionhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK POP3 Ready myperditionhost 0001d144
USER prueba@domain1
+OK USER prueba@domain1 set, mate
PASS pass
-ERR Re-Authentication Failure

In the multidomain (dovecot-based) mail server:

Oct  7 17:48:55 buzones_externos dovecot: pop3-login: Aborted login
(auth failed, 1 attempts): user=<prueba>, method=PLAIN,
rip=, lip=

As you can see, the backend server only get prueba, not prueba@domain1

If I try the telnet 110 directly against the backend server_

telnet 110
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK Multidomain host.
USER prueba@domain
PASS pass
+OK Logged in.

This works okay.

2. modify your popmap.re to add the domain.
I have this in my popmap.re:


And is the internal ip address of the multidomain host.

English is not my primary lang, maybe I am not explaining my problem
clearly, if you need aditional info let me know.

In the case of 2, you can use back-references to
use the same domain that the user supplied.

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