  • 327 discussions

Fatal error: Pid file [/usr/local/var/run/perdition.pop3/] exists for process
by Maverick Ip, Kong Siu
6 years, 7 months

Perdition1.18 problem with LDAP query
by Maverick Ip, Kong Siu
6 years, 7 months

Scanning IMAP traffic without user credential storage
by Beeblebrox
6 years, 9 months

help with perdition - pbs
by Rejaine Monteiro
6 years, 9 months

Disable anonymous cipher suite and weak cipher suite in perdition ssl/tls configuration
by Christophe Carles
6 years, 10 months

perdition imaps x plain text imap server
by Rejaine Monteiro
6 years, 11 months

Perdition 2.2 not working on openSUSE Leap 42.2
by Rejaine Monteiro
6 years, 11 months Quota Warning
by Postmaster
7 years

Proposed feature and patch
by Eduardo Diaz Comellas
7 years, 3 months

[ANNOUNCE] perdition 2.2
by Simon Horman
7 years, 6 months
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